I have a love affair with Route 66. I love almost everything about it. I wish I had control over it’s ultimate fate, especially my own little stretch of it here in Flagstaff. I see older motels, restaurants and some gas stations leaving us like old friends who people no longer find attractive or useful – so they get mowed down.
I’ve had a vision for many years of a resurgence of interest in Route 66 – where money magically appears to help out some of these old guys – let them be renovated in their original image, but with updated amenities. For instance, we have Route 66 Motels here that cover almost every decade since the Mother Road first came through.
Wouldn’t it be nice to stay in one that was representative of it’s era – but with a nice TV, wireless, new but retro looking decor, and more comfortable plumbing? I think this idea has legs, but I’m not sure where the money comes from.
You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, Joni would lament. And I agree. One by one, I’ve seen some of our original Route 66 product razed so something like a Walgreen’s could go in. It’s so sad to me.