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Author Archives: LeslieConnell

Route 66

I have a love affair with Route 66.  I love almost everything about it.  I wish I had control over it’s ultimate fate, especially my own little stretch of it here in Flagstaff.  I see older motels, restaurants and some gas stations leaving us like old friends who people no longer find attractive or useful … Continue reading »

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Since we’re talking about seasons here…

We’ve made it through a not so awful winter here in Flagstaff.  We’ve had a couple of snowstorms, but nothing hugely memorable.  However, there seems to be a new system moving in tomorrow – 8″ to 14″ above 6500 feet.  This happens every spring, so it’s not surprising.  But it’s a little sad, as we’ve … Continue reading »

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Where did the summer go?

Though I love the briskness of fall, with the ever changing palette of color – I live in Flagstaff because we have the best summers I have ever experienced.  We have balmy days, with nights cool enough to leave all the windows open, and still have a cozy blanket to climb under.  The hiking opportunities … Continue reading »

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And, it’s Spring.

This has been a beautiful Spring so far, April was heavenly.  Our usual windy conditions didn’t really show up, and we were able to get ahead on cleaning up the yard, with a few camping trips in between.  Here it is, May 1st, and I can’t believe almost half the year is over already. I’ll … Continue reading »

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“Wherever you go, there you are” Jon Kabat-Zinn

And I guess that means, so here I am!  I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, and am happy to finally have something to check off of my long, long, list. Although I hope to make this page serve a few different functions, I’m going to start with my reason for finally … Continue reading »

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